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Craft Powerful Voicemails that Convert Prospects into Meetings

Written by Ojesvi Singh | May 30, 2024 1:51:57 PM

Suppose you've meticulously researched your ideal client, dialed their number, and a voicemail appears. It happens, and your outbound marketing efforts get swallowed by the black hole of voicemail purgatory. The solution?

Crafting voicemails that grab attention, pique interest, and, ultimately, convert prospects into meetings.

But why does mastering the voicemail message matter? Let's understand it with some statistics:

  • 67% of individuals ignore calls from unknown numbers but will listen to the voicemail left by those numbers.


That's a staggering number of missed opportunities! However, crafting compelling voicemails can significantly increase your conversion rates. 

So, let's explore critical strategies to hook listeners in the first few seconds.

The Art of the Voicemail: Attention-Grabbing Strategies

Below, we have the tactics that'll help you: 

  • Learn how to personalize greetings
  • Highlight industry pain points
  • Offer valuable solutions

Our tactic focuses on the six main ingredients of a successful voicemail to achieve these benefits. And what are they? 

Take a quick look here:

Now, let’s explore the strategies: 

1. Hook Them in the First 10 Seconds

This is your golden window. Here's how to make it count:

  • Personalize From the Beginning: Start with a personalized greeting using their name and company name (if possible). It instantly sets you apart from generic sales pitches.
  • Speak to Their Pain Point: Highlight a specific pain point relevant to their industry. Research their company beforehand and tailor your message accordingly.
  • Offer a Solution, Not a Sales Pitch: Don't just talk about your product. Briefly mention a valuable solution directly tied to their pain point.

2. Keep it Concise and Clear

The goal is to respect your prospect's time and get your message across efficiently. Think of it like a business card with a call to action. Here's how you can do it:

  • Aim For 20-30 Seconds or Less: Prospects are busy, and their voicemails often get flooded. Hence, a long message won't be a good idea. Aim for a quick, impactful message that does not consume much of the prospect's time.

Here's an example of a voicemail introduction:
"Hi [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I understand that..."

This message quickly establishes who you are and sets the stage for your message. You want to achieve that conciseness in your voicemail.

Now, let’s check out an effective voicemail script sample you can refer to: 

"Hi {FirstName},

This is {Your Name} from {Your Company}, reaching out again after my email last week. We specialize in boosting job postings to the top of Google search results, ensuring they attract high-quality candidates quickly.

Our team has successfully helped many companies in your industry, and we're excited to offer you a 30-day risk-free trial to show what we can do for {Company}. 

Feel free to call or email me with any questions!

Why is it effective? Well, see to its elements, they are:

  • Personalized 
  • Concise 
  • The reason for calling is mentioned 
  • Contact information mentioned 
  • State Your Purpose Upfront: Don't make them listen to the whole message to figure out why you're calling. Within the first few seconds, clearly state your purpose. Are you requesting a meeting? Suggesting a call back? Let them know upfront what action you'd like them to take.

3. Sound Professional and Enthusiastic

Your voice is your primary tool in a voicemail, so it needs to convey the message correctly. Here's how to achieve that:

  • Speak Clearly and Confidently:  Enunciate your words and project your voice slightly. Nobody wants to listen to a mumbled message. Speaking shows confidence and makes you sound professional.
  • Inject Energy Into Your Voice:  Avoid monotone delivery. Vary your pitch slightly, and speak excitedly about what you're offering. Remember, you're trying to stand out from the dozens of other voicemails in their inbox. A little vocal energy goes a long way.

Imagine you're having a friendly conversation with a colleague about a project you're passionate about. That's the kind of enthusiasm you want to convey in your voicemail.

Here's an example:

Compare these two deliveries of the same sentence:

"Hi [Prospect Name]" (Monotone)


"Hi [Prospect Name], how are you doing today?" (Enthusiastic)

The second option sounds more approachable and engaging, right?

Now, let us explore some effective messaging examples.

Messages that Resonate: Powerful Scripts and Templates

Scripted voicemails can boost response rates by up to 22%. Well, you don't have to struggle to craft voicemail messages that resonate. We've got powerful scripts and templates you can use as references that can confirm meetings:

1. Template 1: The Pain Point Approach

This approach taps directly into a relatable industry challenge:

"Hi {First Name},

This is {Your Name} from {Your Company}, reaching out again after my email last week. I understand that businesses in your industry often struggle with {Specific Pain Point}. At {Your Company}, we specialize in achieving {Desired Outcome} through {Your Solution}, ensuring you overcome these challenges effectively.

We've successfully helped many companies facing the same issues, and I'd love to explore how we can assist {Company} as well. 

Feel free to call or email me to discuss this further!"

2. Template 2: The Value Proposition Approach

Focus on the benefits you offer:

"Hi {First Name},

It’s {Your Name} from {Your Company}, following up on our recent communications. We excel in offering solutions that provide {Benefit of Your Solution} to businesses in {Industry}. 

I believe I have some insights that could be particularly valuable for {Company}.

Are you available for a quick 15-minute call in the next few days to discuss this? 

Please let me know what works for you!"

3. Template 3: The Follow-Up Approach (For Unanswered Emails)

Don't give up after an email:

"Hi {FirstName},

This is {Your Name} following up on my email from earlier this week about {Briefly Re-mention Email Topic}. I understand how busy you must be, but I’m confident that {Your Solution} could be a game-changer for {Company}. 

Could we schedule a brief call to discuss this further? I believe a quick conversation could really illustrate the potential impact. 

Looking forward to your reply!"

Beyond the Script: Additional Tips for Success

The script is a great starting point, but there's more to a winning voicemail than just the words. Here are some additional tips to elevate your delivery and maximize your impact:

  • Speak Slowly and Be Clear: Slow down your speech and enunciate clearly for complex names or technical terms. It ensures your message is understood and avoids frustrating pauses for the listener.
  • Leave a Clear Call to Action: Don't leave your prospect hanging! Tell them precisely what you want them to do next. It could be as simple as stating your phone number or a website address.
    Hence, prospects can schedule a meeting with you. Consider using a scheduling tool like CalendarHero or SimplyMeet. They offer prospects specific time slots for a follow-up call.
  • Practice to Become Perfect: Rehearse your voicemail out loud until it sounds natural and confident. Record yourself and listen back to identify areas for improvement. The more you practice, the smoother and more engaging your delivery will become.
  • Track and Analyze: Keep track of which voicemail scripts and approaches resonate best with your prospects. Are specific templates getting more callbacks? Is there a particular call to action that yields better results? You can continuously refine your voicemail strategy by monitoring your results for maximum effectiveness.

Examples of Common Voicemail Mistakes

Leaving a voicemail message might seem straightforward. In fact, sales reps allocate 15% of their workday to leaving voicemails. However, some pitfalls can sabotage your efforts. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them:

1. Mumbling or Unclear Speech

You speak too quickly, mumble your words, or don't enunciate properly. This makes it difficult for the listener to understand your message, leading to frustration and a deleted voicemail.

2. Sounding Uninterested

You deliver your message in a monotone voice devoid of enthusiasm. It makes you sound disinterested and impersonal, and your message loses its impact.

3. Failing to Provide a Call to Action

You leave your voicemail without telling the listener what you want them to do next. It leaves them unsure of how to proceed and may lead to missed opportunities.

You can craft compelling voicemail messages by avoiding these common mistakes and implementing the tips in this guide. Thus, you can turn your voicemails into valuable meetings.


A well-crafted voicemail can be a powerful tool in today's marketing landscape. Don't let your message get lost in the abyss. By following these tips, you can turn those voicemails into valuable conversations. Thus, you may convert prospects into happy clients. 

So, start crafting those compelling voicemails and watch your conversion rates soar!

For more outbound marketing tactics, get expert assistance from Revnew. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business.