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10 Proven Tips For Writing Messages That Convert Deals Faster

Written by Ojesvi Singh | Aug 8, 2023 3:32:54 PM

Merely communicating with your audience won’t make them your customers. In fact, you must make extra efforts to create marketing messages that convert them. 

Whether you're creating email campaigns, social media posts, or website copy, your messages must be relatable, clear, and persuasive. 

In fact, messages resonating with your target audience will inspire them to take action. Further, it can drive more conversions and ultimately achieve success for your business.

So, here we bring well-tested tips to help you create highly converting messaging. 

10 Tips For Writing Messages That Convert

Implement the below given practical tips to optimize your messaging for better response. 

1. Know Your Audience

Instead of solely describing your product in your messaging, emphasize on:

  • Who do you want to sell to, or who will benefit from your offering
  • The purpose behind creating the product

By answering these two questions, you can promptly determine your targeted audience and those who are not your intended audience. 

Further, you need to craft messages that address your target prospects' needs and expectations. Thus, they will be more likely to connect with your message, trust your offering, and eventually make a purchase.

2. Use Clear And Concise Language

Always prioritize clarity while writing messaging. The message should be well-expressed, convincing, specific, and clear. It should incorporate relevant language tailored to your audience and communicate with them directly. Use the following elements to ensure message clarity: 

  • Concisely convey your value proposition.
  • Tell features that set you apart from your rivals.
  • Reflect on your brand's personality.
  • Prefer writing in an active voice 

Avoid complex language, jargon, or grandiose statements. A simple line that represents your business and is easily understandable will suffice. 

3. Elicit An Emotional Response 

If you look at some research, you’ll find the value of incorporating emotional triggers into brand messaging. Doing so can result in a significant payoff for your company. In fact, it was found that using such triggers led to a 40% increase in new client account growth.

Use a hook in your messaging to evoke an emotional reaction and enable the reader to connect with your brand. A hook is designed to seize someone's attention and maintain it until they consume the entire message. 

Here are some popular examples of B2B marketing hooks. Let's check out some examples:

  • Slack:"Where Work Happens"
    The hook message emphasizes a boost in productivity for users. 

Salesforce: "The Customer Success Platform"
The SaaS company cleverly delivers the idea of their dedication towards their customer’s success. 

Crafting a potent hook allows you to exhibit your brand's distinctive identity and unleash your creativity. Furthermore, a compelling hook can influence customers' subconscious buying decisions by creating an instant emotional bond between the audience and your brand.

Most importantly, ensure your potential customers perceive your value proposition as superior to its cost. Give them a feeling of having snagged a great deal for themselves when they buy your offerings. Thus, add special discounts and premium offers to make your promotion even more appealing and irresistible. 

4. Speak Prospects' Language 

The most effective and convincing brand messages that convert include their target audience's language. And the best way to achieve this is through actively engaging and listening to your audience.

Have 15-minute phone conversations with at least ten prospects; it's enough to gain valuable insights into their challenges. During these conversations, you can ask them to describe their desired solutions. These interactions deepen your understanding of the language that appeals to them and their expectations. 

Further, it allows you to create a persuasive message and collect words and phrases to share with your copy and content writing team.

5. Create A Sense Of Urgency

Establishing a sense of urgency is a potent tool that motivates readers to take prompt action. Firstly, you can use time-sensitive language in your message. 

For example, imply that the prospect has a limited window of opportunity to take advantage of the offer. Incorporate phrases such as "limited time offer," "today only," or "while supplies last" to generate a sense of urgency that stimulates them to act promptly. 

Secondly, you can create scarcity in your message. It means highlighting the idea that there is a limited supply of a product, service, or offer. 

You can accomplish this by using phrases such as "exclusive offer for a limited number of customers" or "only a few spots left." The notion is that the prospect will sense an urgency to act before the opportunity vanishes.

For example, emphasize on benefits prospects will receive for taking action quickly. You might explain that they will receive a discount, have access to a special promotion or product, or avoid missing out on an opportunity altogether. 

6. Provide Social Proof

Providing social proof is a powerful technique to build trust with potential customers while writing marketing msg. For instance, a survey carried out in the United States unveiled that 46% of consumers prefer to pay an extra amount to purchase from businesses they have confidence in.

So, let's explore various ways to communicate social proof in your messages to get the needed trust of your prospects. 

  • To begin with, incorporate testimonials on your website, social media pages, or email marketing campaigns to showcase that other clients have had a favorable encounter with your brand.
  • Secondly, showcasing your expertise can also be a form of social proof. It means sharing your credentials, certifications, or qualifications that demonstrate your knowledge and experience in your field. 

Hence, by emphasizing your proficiency, you can establish credibility and trustworthiness with your audience, increasing the likelihood that they will have faith in your brand and eventually make purchases.

  • Lastly, highlight your track record of success as a powerful form of social proof. It could include metrics such as the number of satisfied customers, sales figures, or positive reviews. Demonstrating your history of success can establish that your brand has a track record of delivering positive outcomes, which can enhance the confidence of potential customers in your product or service.

7. Use Visuals

Using visuals is an effective way to convey your message memorably. Visuals break up long blocks of text, and make your message more engaging. Thus, they increase the chances of prospects sharing your message. As 23.7% of marketers consider visual content as their most significant challenge, here are some tips on how to use visuals effectively in your message:

  • Use your product photos or videos to demonstrate your product. Additionally, adding clear and detailed information about your product or service can improve your audience's understanding of it. Also, displaying images of happy customers gives a positive impression of your business. 
  • Ensure to use high-quality images or videos, choose colors that complement your brand, and use fonts that are easy to read. 
  • Use infographics to convey complex information visually appealingly. They help break down complex ideas into easily digestible chunks. In addition, infographics can be used to showcase important data, and make product or service comparisons. They visually depict the advantages of your offering.
  • Choose different types of visuals, such as graphs, charts, and tables, to present data. Use diagrams to explain processes or systems and illustrations to represent your product or service working visually.

8. Provide A Clear Call To Action (CTA)

Each message needs to include a definitive CTA. Your message should include clear instructions directing your readers on actions to take. A perfect brand msg that converts has only one clear and concise CTA, for example: Sign Up or Buy Now. 

In fact, a survey has found that including a single CTA in emails resulted in a 371% increase in clicks and a 1617% increase in sales.

Additionally, use relevant CTAs to encourage prospects to take action in a particular direction. Depending on the prospects' needs, you can use different CTAphrases. 

  • For example, to guide your audience towards taking the desired action, you can use specific CTAphrases such as: 
  • "Buy now" for those who are ready to make a purchase
  • "Learn more" for those who need more information
  • "Sign up" for those who want to receive updates or offers from your brand

Using relevant CTAs helps you cater to the needs of different prospects and increase the chances of them taking action. Also, make sure your CTAs are visible and easy to find.

9. Describe What You Sell

Whether your business is service-based or product-based, it is essential to identify the ultimate benefit or outcome you sell to your clients. Therefore, ensure your core offering is conveyed clearly.

Creating a clear message requires a well-crafted unique value proposition (UVP) or unique selling proposition (USP). Also, you must briefly state and support your UVP/USP with evidence to be effective. 

For a value proposition to be compelling enough to encourage people to subscribe and make a purchase, it should contain the following elements:

  • A powerful and unique message that connects with your target audience.
  • A service uniqueness that cannot be easily replicated elsewhere
  • Transparency and believability
  • Perceived value that exceeds the material and psychological costs of products/services for the prospect.

10. Test And Refine

Creating a message that converts is an ongoing process that requires testing and refinement. Some tips to refine and test your messaging are as follows:

  • Conduct A/B Testing: The technique involves creating two different versions of your message and comparing their performance to determine which one resonates more with your audience. 

These versions will have one variation, such as a different headline or CTA. You can test which parts of your message work well with your audience and which ones don't by doing A/B testing. 

  • Test Your Results: Once you have finished conducting A/B testing, it is important to carefully examine the results. Look for patterns and insights to help you understand why one version of your message performed better. Consider factors such as time of day, audience demographics, and messaging tone to identify what resonates with your audience.
  • Continuously Refine Your Messaging: Based on your analysis of your results, continuously refine your messaging to improve your conversion rate. It involves making changes to your headline, adjusting the tone of your message, or rephrasing your CTAs. Keep testing and refining until you find the messaging that converts at the highest rate.

Example Of Email Copy 

The below sample email copy includes a targeted approach, urgency, social proof, and a clear CTA. Check it out: 

Subject: Limited Time Offer: Get [Product/Service] and [Benefit] Today!


Dear [Prospect],

As someone interested in [related industry/topic], we know that you are always looking for ways to [achieve a goal]. We have an amazing opportunity to share with you.

For a limited time, we are offering [Product/Service] to help you [achieve goal/benefit]. Our [Product/Service] is designed specifically for people like you who are looking to [solve problems/achieve benefit]. With our [Product/Service], you can [provide specific benefits].

However, don't solely rely on our statement - listen to the feedback of our happy clients:
[Insert a customer testimonial or social proof here]

We want you to make the most of this special offer. Hence, we are providing a [Discount/Free Trial] for a limited period to ensure you don't miss out on this opportunity. Act fast to get [Product/Service] and start [achieving goal/benefit].

Click the link below to claim your [Discount/Free Trial] today!

[Insert CTA button with link to landing page]

Thank you for considering [Product/Service] to help you [achieve goal/benefit]. We can't wait to hear about your achievements!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Writing messages that convert requires careful consideration of the target audience, message content, and delivery method. To convert readers into customers, you must create a message that addresses their needs and preferences, uses persuasive language and visuals, and solves their problems. 

Regularly testing and refining your messaging strategy is also essential to ensure it remains effective over time. By keeping these suggestions in your thoughts, you can make messages that connect with your viewers and encourage more business for your company.