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12 Effective Tips to Overcome Call Reluctance

Written by Anisha Dutta | Oct 1, 2024 1:32:26 PM

Is your sales team struggling to hit daily call targets? 

The reason might be ‘call reluctance’ — a common challenge many sales professionals face. However, it doesn't have to derail your organizational progress. 

In this post, we'll define call reluctance, explore its root causes, identify the signs, and provide actionable strategies to overcome it. 

By implementing these techniques, you can build a repeatable, strategic process to conquer your SDRs’ fear of cold calling and improve overall sales performance.

What Is Call Reluctance?

Call reluctance is the fear, hesitation, or resistance that salespeople experience when making cold calls. It's a widespread issue, affecting nearly 48% of sales professionals

This reluctance can stem from various factors, including nerves, fear of rejection, and fatigue. If not addressed, it can significantly decrease call volume and quality, ultimately impacting your firm’s sales success.

What Are the Common Reasons Behind Call Reluctance?

Here are the three primary reasons why salespeople experience this challenge:


When starting, the uncertainty of cold calling can trigger significant nerves. The pressure to meet targets and the fear of speaking to strangers can exacerbate these nerves, making the initial calls of the day particularly daunting.


High-volume calling can be exhausting. Making hundreds of calls daily can lead to burnout, sapping energy and enthusiasm. Over time, this fatigue can manifest as call reluctance, making it hard to maintain a high level of performance.

Fear of Rejection

Cold calling involves frequent rejection. Salespeople often hear "no" more than they hear "yes." This constant rejection can be demoralizing and lead to anticipatory anxiety before making new calls. With a low conversion rate, it’s easy to feel they’re wasting time.

What Are the Tell-tale Signs of Call Reluctance?

Recognizing the signs of call reluctance is the first step in addressing it. Try to notice these indicators — to know if your SDRs are facing this issue:

  • Slow Start to the Day: Delayed call start times that significantly reduce total call volumes.
  • Increased Nervousness: Heighted anxiety before or during calls.
  • Avoiding Referrals: Hesitation to ask for referrals – indicating a deeper discomfort with cold calling.
  • Procrastination: Excuses to avoid making calls, such as focusing on non-essential tasks.
  • Shortened Call Duration: Premature endings to calls or rushing through them to avoid discomfort.
  • Decreased Energy: Mental and physical exhaustion, making it harder for reps to engage effectively with prospects.

What Are the Downsides of Call Reluctance?

Call reluctance can significantly impact your team’s performance and job satisfaction. Here are some of the adverse effects:

  • Reduced Call Volume: Hesitating to make calls leads to fewer overall attempts, which can directly impact sales numbers.
  • Shortened Calls: Rushing through calls to get them over with can result in poor-quality interactions and missed opportunities.
  • Lower Sales: Call reluctance can lead to fewer closed deals and lower earnings.

Addressing call reluctance requires a proactive approach. Here are 12 strategies to help you guide your team in overcoming this challenge and boost your cold-calling success:

1. Beginning the Day Early

Advise your sales reps to start their calls as soon as possible to tackle a significant portion of the call quota early. This will set a productive pace for the rest of the day and give them more flexibility in the afternoon for other tasks.

2. Setting a Regular Routine

Establishing a consistent daily routine can reduce stress and streamline workflows. Help reps:

  • Decide on their morning routine
  • Set specific times for starting calls
  • Stick to a schedule

This predictability helps the brain get into a comfortable, focused state.

3. Practicing Mindfulness

Ask your employees to start the day with a few minutes of meditation to clear their minds and reduce stress. Provide guided meditation apps like Headspace or free resources on YouTube. Meditation can help individuals maintain a calm, positive mindset throughout the day.

4. Focusing on “Power Hours”

Identify the best times for reps to reach prospects and prioritize calling during these peak hours. For instance, East Coast salespeople might find success calling around 11 a.m., when businesses on the West Coast are just starting their day.

5. Showing Full Energy

Even when tired, encouraging your team to act energetic can help boost their mood and performance. Guide them to speak enthusiastically and lift the tone to engage more effectively with prospects. This positive energy can be contagious and lead to more successful interactions.

6. Revisiting the Script

When feeling tired or demotivated, always insist that SDRs revert to the script. Reading from a script can prevent them from resisting rushing or ending calls early. Sticking to the script helps maintain consistency and effectiveness.

7. Utilizing Different Script Versions

To avoid monotony, share multiple scripts that deliver the exact information differently. This keeps the calls fresh and prevents reps from becoming repetitive and dull.

8. Becoming Group Members

Organize group cold-calling sessions with your team. These can be in person or virtually. The camaraderie and shared energy can help alleviate call reluctance and make the experience more enjoyable.

9. Role-Playing with Colleagues

Conduct role-playing exercises with colleagues to practice and refine their calling techniques. This helps build confidence and prepares SDRs for various scenarios they might encounter during calls.

10. Hosting Recovery Sessions

Develop a short routine to recharge when you feel drained. This could include taking a walk, having a snack, or doing some stretches. A quick, repeatable recovery ritual can help you regain energy and focus.

11. Reveling in Victories

Keep track of your team’s successes, no matter how small. Celebrate each achievement to boost their confidence and motivation. Review “success sheets” regularly to remind your team of their progress and maintain a positive mindset.

12. Not Hesitating to Pick Up the Phone

When in doubt, just ask your team to start making calls. Sometimes, the best way to overcome reluctance is to dive in. The next call could be the one that changes their day, so encourage them not to overthink it – just dial.

Bottom Line

Call reluctance is a common issue many salespeople face, but it doesn’t have to be a career-ending problem. Implementing the strategies outlined in this article can help your team overcome their fears and build a more productive, enjoyable cold-calling routine. 

Remember, the key is to identify the root causes of your reps’ reluctance, recognize the signs, and proactively address them with a consistent, strategic approach. With time and practice, they can conquer call reluctance and achieve greater success in their sales career.