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What Are the Right Qualifying Questions for Decision Makers

Written by Ivo Mishachkovski | Jun 20, 2023 3:05:38 PM

Have you ever wondered how successful AEs consistently ask the right qualifying questions to decision makers to influence choices that lead to positive outcomes? Asking qualifying questions to decision makers is an art and a science. It can make or break your sales success.

Spotio shows that 67% of lost deals result from sales reps not properly qualifying potential customers before taking them through the full sales process. 

That's correct; taking them through the full process with asking the right questions will make all the difference when navigating difficult decisions and guaranteeing success.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of AEs' asking qualifying questions for decision makers. We'll explore their purpose, benefits, and, most importantly, the top strategies to help you make confident and well-informed choices. 

So let's get started if you're prepared to learn the keys to asking the right qualifying questions to your advantage.

Top 5 Different Types of Decision Makers

Before delving deeper into the process of AEs asking the right qualifying questions, first, we need to figure out the different types of decision makers. 

Decision makers come from various backgrounds and hold different positions within organizations. Understanding these nuances and tailoring your qualifying questions is crucial for effective communication and decision-making.

Let's understand the types of decision makers and their accountabilities to take into account:

1. Executives

  • High-level leaders who make strategic choices for the company are often called executives.
  • Qualifying questions for executives should focus on big-picture perspectives, long-term goals, and alignment with the company's vision.
  • Considerations may include the organization's overall strategy, financial implications, and potential risks and opportunities at a broader level.

2. Managers

  • Managers are responsible for overseeing specific departments or teams and making decisions that impact their respective areas.
  • Qualifying questions for managers should address operational aspects, team dynamics, and resource allocation.
  • Considerations may involve departmental goals, budget constraints, team collaboration, and ensuring alignment with organizational objectives.

3. Department Heads

  • Department heads are responsible for leading specific functional areas within an organization.
  • Qualifying questions for department heads should focus on department-specific challenges, key performance indicators, and team capabilities.
  • Considerations may revolve around resource allocation, technology requirements, skill gaps, and ensuring departmental decisions align with overall business objectives.

4. Subject Matter Experts(SMEs)

  • SMEs are individuals who possess specialized knowledge and expertise in specific areas.
  • Qualifying questions for SMEs should tap into their deep understanding of the subject matter and their insights.
  • Considerations may include technical details, industry trends, research findings, and best practices related to their expertise.

5. Cross-Functional Teams

  • Decision-making often involves cross-functional collaboration, where representatives from different departments or teams come together to make collective decisions.
  • Qualifying questions for cross-functional teams should ensure effective communication, alignment, and coordination among the various stakeholders.
  • Considerations may involve identifying potential conflicts, addressing diverse perspectives, and fostering collaboration among team members.

To reach the decision makers, you need to know how to find out who they are. This video right here will ease you in the right direction to knowing how to reach the most important decision makers for you:
How to Find Out Who’s the DECISION MAKER in B2B Sales.

Benefits of Asking Qualifying Questions

1. Clarity

Qualifying questions provide a clear picture of the situation, uncovering challenges, opportunities, and potential roadblocks that might have gone unnoticed.

2. Effective Communication

Asking thoughtful questions creates an environment of collaboration and trust, fostering effective communication between decision makers and stakeholders.

3. Prioritization

Qualifying questions help AEs assess the relative importance of different factors, allowing them to know where to allocate resources effectively and focus on what truly matters.

4. Risk Mitigation

By delving into the specifics of a situation, AEs can identify potential risks and take proactive measures to address them, minimizing surprises.

5. Informed Decision-Making

Qualifying questions provide AEs with the tools to gather comprehensive data, insights, and perspectives, enabling the decision makers to make well-rounded and informed decisions.

Top 5 Qualifying Questions for Decision Makers

Effective qualifying conversations with decision makers can increase sales conversion rates by 20%.

What precisely are they, and why are they crucial? You craft your own lead qualification methods to gather information and insights for decision makers. They are used to evaluate requirements, difficulties, and goals.

Sales Lead Qualification Frameworks (MEDDIC vs BANT vs CHAMP)

Question 1: What Are Your Key Business Objectives?

This question holds immense importance when it comes to accounts executives influencing decision-making. Understanding the business objectives is like having a compass that guides decision makers toward their desired destination.

They clarify their goals by asking decision makers about their key business objectives. This understanding becomes the foundation for making informed choices that align with the organization's goals.

Examples of questions:

  • Can you give specific information about each key goal and how it supports the company's overall vision?
  • What are the anticipated benefits or outcomes of each business objective?
  • Are there any key milestones or targets associated with these objectives?
  • What resources or support will be required to achieve these objectives?
  • How do these objectives align with the current market trends and customer needs?

Question 2: What Challenges Are You Currently Facing?

Identifying and understanding the challenges decision makers face is like spotlighting potential roadblocks and hurdles that you must address head-on.

Asking decision makers about their current challenges allows them to discuss their obstacles openly. This understanding is vital for you as it helps them devise effective strategies and solutions to overcome these challenges. In addition, it enables you to make changes that address the root causes and create opportunities for growth and improvement.

Strategies for probing deeper with follow-up questions:

  • Could you provide more context or examples illustrating the challenges you mentioned?
  • How do these challenges align with your business objectives and goals?
  • What potential solutions have you explored to overcome these challenges?
  • Are there any specific resources or support that would be beneficial in tackling these challenges?
  • What potential risks or implications should be considered when addressing these challenges?

Question 3: What is Your Budget For This Project?

You must do this study to understand the project's financial implications. By gaining insights into the budget, you can navigate the constraints and opportunities associated with resource allocation.

Understanding the financial aspect is crucial because it provides you with a realistic choice framework. Also, budget constraints play a pivotal role in your journey to find out more as they influence the feasibility and scope of potential options. 

Approaches for exploring budget-related details:

  • Can you provide an overview of the budget breakdown for this project? 
  • Are there any specific budget limitations or restrictions that need to be considered? 
  • How does the budget align with the expected outcomes or benefits of the project? 
  • Have you explored alternative funding sources or potential cost-saving measures for this project? 

 Question 4: Who Are The Key Stakeholders Involved?

Recognizing the key stakeholders is crucial as they play a vital role in the success of a project or decision. By involving stakeholders effectively, you can harness stakeholders' expertise, perspectives, and support to drive successful outcomes. 

Understanding the significance of stakeholders:

  • By identifying essential stakeholders, you can better understand the needs and opinions of individuals impacted by their choices.
  • It allows you to build relationships, manage expectations, and foster collaboration.
  • Stakeholders can provide valuable insights, resources, and support to decision makers with your help.

How you can involve stakeholders effectively:

  • Engage stakeholders early in the decision-making process to gather their input and feedback.
  • Ask qualifying questions to figure out the timeline and potential outcomes for stakeholders.
  • Be open and transparent with stakeholders and address their concerns and questions.
  • Create a strategy to include interested parties in decision-making, for as by forming a task force or advisory group.
  • Regularly inform stakeholders of the status of the decision-making process.

Suggestions for exploration of stakeholder involvement:

  • Consider using stakeholder analysis tools to identify and prioritize stakeholders based on their level of interest and influence.
  • Conduct focus groups or surveys to gather more specific stakeholder feedback by asking qualifying questions.
  • Establish regular communication channels with stakeholders to ensure ongoing engagement and involvement.

Question 5: What Is Your Timeline to Activate the Project?

Understanding the timeline for implementation helps AEs in several ways:

Considering time constraints:

  • Time is a valuable resource, and knowing the timeline for implementation allows you to assess the feasibility and manage expectations.
  • It helps you understand any urgency or time-sensitive factors impacting the decision makers' choices.
  • Recognizing time constraints enables you to help plan with the decision makers.

How this question aids AEs in planning and prioritizing:

  • Knowing the implementation timeline helps you create realistic action plans and set achievable goals.
  • It allows you to prioritize tasks and decisions based on their impact and alignment with the timeline.
  • Understanding the timeline enables you to coordinate efforts, collaborate with stakeholders, and meet deadlines.

Follow-up questions for understanding timeline specifics:

  • Are there any specific milestones or deadlines within the implementation timeline?
  • What dependencies or critical path items may impact the overall timeline?
  • Have you considered any potential risks or challenges affecting the implementation timeline?
  • Is there flexibility within the timeline, or are there any immovable deadlines?
  • Are any resources or support needed to meet the implementation timeline?

Top 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Asking Qualifying Questions

AEs should be aware of and clear of a few frequent errors when asking qualifying questions. By being mindful of these pitfalls, you can enhance the effectiveness of your questioning process. Let's explore three fundamental mistakes:

1. Asking Leading Questions

  • One mistake to avoid is asking leading questions. These questions subtly guide the respondent towards a specific answer or bias their response. As a result, they can unintentionally influence the information you receive and hinder your ability to gather objective insights. 
  • Tip: Instead, ask open-ended questions that encourage unbiased and honest responses. 

Leading Question: Don't you agree that our product is the best on the market?
Open-Ended Question: What are your thoughts on our product and how it compares to others in the market?

2. Assuming Prior Knowledge

  • Another mistake to steer clear of is assuming prior knowledge. As AEs, we can presume that the person we're speaking with understands things equally or in the same context. This assumption can lead to understanding and complete information. 
  • Tip: Take the time to provide essential background information to ensure everyone is on the same page. Example: Let me provide some context about our software and how it can integrate with your existing systems.

Assuming: As you know, our software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems.
Providing Background Information: Let me provide some context about our software and how it can integrate with your existing systems.

3. Neglecting Active Listening

  • Active listening is a crucial aspect of effective questioning, yet it's a mistake that needs to be addressed. Sometimes, AEs focus more on formulating their next question or thinking about their response rather than truly listening to the respondent.
  • Tip: Active listening involves giving your full attention, observing nonverbal cues, and seeking clarification when needed.

Lack of Active Listening: AE: So, would you say the budget is the primary concern for your decision?
Active Listening: AE: Please share with me the key factors influencing your decision-making process.

Long-Term Relationship Building 

A firm's long-term success depends on developing strong connections with customers or other stakeholders.  Qualifying questions play a crucial role in this process by fostering ongoing dialogue and understanding of evolving needs. So let's explore how this approach contributes to successful partnerships and repeat business:

1. Establishing a Foundation of Trust

By asking qualifying questions, you demonstrate a genuine interest in understanding the decision makers’ unique needs and challenges. This establishes a foundation of trust and shows that you are invested in their success. Long-term partnerships require trust because it creates a foundation for honest communication and teamwork.

2. Tailoring Solutions To Specific Needs

Qualifying questions help you gather detailed information about your clients' or stakeholders' requirements. This lets you know how decision makers customize their goods, services, or solutions to their unique demands.

3. Adapting to Evolving Needs 

Long-term relationships require adaptability and responsiveness to changing circumstances. Through ongoing dialogue and regular use of qualifying questions, you stay informed about changes in the decision makers’ needs, goals, or market dynamics. This allows you to proactively adapt your offerings, provide relevant updates, and offer timely solutions. 

4. Fostering Open Communication

Qualifying questions encourage open and honest communication with decision makers. They offer a forum for exchanging ideas, worries, and expectations between the parties. This open dialogue allows you to gain deeper insights into their goals, challenges, and aspirations.

5. Cultivating Repeat Business

Building long-term relationships is not just about securing initial contracts or partnerships; it's about nurturing ongoing collaborations. 

Now that we have helped you better understand the process of asking qualifying questions, here is another video explaining how you can better influence decision makers to your liking:
Sales After Dark - Influencing Decision Makers

Wrapping Things Up

Qualifying questions are indispensable for AEs across various roles and industries. They enable AEs to gather crucial information and understand needs and challenges.

So, embrace the power of qualifying questions, harness their insights, and watch as your influence prowess propels you and your organization toward tremendous success. 

With confident and strategic questioning, you can navigate the dynamic business landscape, build strong partnerships, and achieve your desired results.