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Top 5 Tips on How to Ask for the Sale Without Being Pushy

Written by Ojesvi Singh | Aug 23, 2023 4:04:41 PM

We understand that requesting a sale may seem daunting at first. But know that it's the part where you need to bring more sales. It propels your entire interaction with the prospect forward.

Whether selling a product or service, mastering the art of closing a deal is key to your success. 

So the question is how to ask for a sale. 

Worry not! We’ll walk you through some of our best strategies to help you ask for sales. So, let's begin.

How to Ask For The Sale: 5 Practical Tactics for AEs

Asking for a sale with the right qualifying questions is an art. You need to understand your prospects' business thoroughly. Then only you can define what they need and how you can make them pick you over others. 

The clarity of these things will help you make sales. 

So, here are 5 result-oriented tips for AEs to close more deals (Faster).

1. Follow NLTP Model 

Let us introduce you to the "Need, Like, Trust, and Pay" model. It’s an effective approach to identifying your potential customers. The model inspects whether your prospects align with your offering.

Now, let’s take a closer look at each qualifying condition:

  • Need: You'll need to see if your solution can actually address your prospect’s business needs. Basically, you must confirm whether your solution is what they've been searching for.
  • Like: Analyze how your prospect sees your brand before pursuing them. Do they have a positive impression of your brand?
  • Trust: Does your prospect believe you can fulfill your promises? Check whether they see you as a transparent, reliable, and consistent partner. 
  • Pay: Is your prospect capable of fulfilling the budget you offer? Or are they willing to negotiate other ways to adjust the budget with you?

Here's how Matthew Ramirez, Forbes 30 under 30 alumni & Founder of Rephrase, explains the topic beautifully- 

"The best way to ask for the sale is by following the “Need, Like, Trust, and Pay” model. Your potential customer should “need” your product or service, “like” your brand, “trust" you as a vendor, and “pay” for the purchase. If these conditions are met, the sale is almost guaranteed.

Once trust is established and a need is identified, the sale is simply a matter of asking for the business. However, if any of these conditions are absent, you will need to work harder to build rapport and demonstrate why your product or service is the right choice. By following the “Need, Like, Trust, and Pay” model, you will be able to effectively ask for the sale and increase your success rate."

In case your sales approach isn’t meeting the NLTP model’s conditions, follow these tips:

a. Understand Your Prospect's Needs

Knowing what your prospects want is the base for generating sales. It enables you to get an idea of their expected goals and needs. Thus, you can modify your sales pitch to please your prospects.

Here are some tips to understand your prospects' needs:

  • Always listen carefully when they describe their pain points or expectations
  • Do ask open-ended questions so that they can share openly
  • Take notes of their preferences
  • Research their industry to understand major challenges via:
  • Conducting surveys
  • Skimming through customer feedback
  • Researching industry trends 
  • Think from the prospect's point of view to understand their needs better 
  • Follow up with the prospect to ensure your offer meets their needs
  • Regularly gather feedback and update your pitch accordingly

b. Build Rapport

Your rapport plays a significant role in closing a sales pitch successfully. Basically, a good rapport shows that your prospects can trust you. 

Further, you can establish mutually beneficial relationships with prospects. 

So, let's see how to win the trust of your prospects:

Establish A Personal Connection With The Prospect

Building rapport with the customers is critical. It will build your image and make your customers feel valued. But, to do so, connecting with them is the key! 

One powerful way you can make it happen is by engaging in meaningful conversations with them. Moreover, don’t forget to invite them to share their thoughts through feedback.

You can also implement some personalized strategies to develop a personal connection – like suggesting offers or need-based products based on history.

Moreover, it's interesting how you convey your message nonverbally can greatly impact your prospects. Thus, it's vital for you to use positive body language, such as:

  • Smiling
  • Making eye contact
  • Nodding

It brings warmth and friendliness during meetings. Additionally, keep working on your active listening skills. 

For example, you can summarize the prospect's words and ask clarifying questions.

c. Build Trust By Providing Value And Expertise

Though your aim is to ask for a sale, don't make it so obvious to your prospects. We mean, you must give them something of value selflessly. If they appreciate it, you'll be in a good position to present your sales pitch to them.

Here's how to do so:

  • Share insights and knowledge relevant to a prospects' challenges and goals
  • Offer free resources, such as eBooks or whitepapers that address their pain points
  • Customize your approach to their specific situation and goal
  • Provide case studies that helped similar businesses

Essentially, it's about showing that you care and are there to help, not just sell something.

Share Your Social Proof

These are nothing but testimonials or case studies of what you have done in the past. They act as the report card of your performance. 

Some of the simple social proofs that you can use are:

  • Satisfied customer videos
  • Testimonials
  • User-generated reviews on social media
  • Case studies 

It can help your prospects feel more confident choosing your business and establish trust in your brand.

d. Adjust The Budget And Payment Process

If possible, you must negotiate the budget with your prospects who are willing to hire you. However, it depends on your service type. 

Here are some examples of how you can address budget issues:  

"I understand that budget is a concern. To accommodate your financial situation, we can discuss flexible payment plans or phased implementation. This way, you can start experiencing the benefits of our solution without a significant upfront cost."

"I understand that this is a substantial investment for your company. Let's address your concerns one by one. What specifically about the budget is causing hesitation, and is there any way we can find a solution that would make you more comfortable with the investment?"

Also, nobody likes friction when it comes to making payments, be it a B2B or B2C customer. So, you must make your payment process straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:
  • Don’t add any hidden costs.
  • Offer various payment options: UPI, Bank Transfers, PayPal, Net Banking, etc.
  • Give live chat support during the checkout process to assist with questions or concerns.
  • Provide clear error messages if there are issues with payment information. Also, offer suggestions for resolving common errors.

2. Showcase Benefits And Features

Create interest and excitement among your prospects by highlighting your product/service offers. Here are some key strategies to help you present the benefits and features effectively:

  • Start With The Benefits: Highlight how your product solves a problem or fulfils a need they have.
  • Use Simple And Clear Language: Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse the customer.
  • Show, Don't Just Tell: Use visual aids such as images or videos to demonstrate how your product works.
  • Focus On The Unique Features: Highlight what sets your product apart from the competition.
  • Provide Evidence: Use statistics, customer testimonials, or third-party endorsements to support your claims.
  • Connect Emotionally: Emphasize how your product can improve the prospect's life or business.
  • Use Storytelling: Share real-life examples of how your product has helped other customers. 62% of B2B marketers consider storytelling as an effective marketing tactic. 

You can use the following to tell real-life impact: 

  • Case studies
  • Success stories

3. Handle Objections

No matter how great your product or service is; someone will have objections or dissatisfaction. Such customers can harm your brand image when not handled properly. 

Also, these are the customers who, when they feel satisfied, will refer to your product/service for a long term solution. 

Some simple ideas to try when handling objections are as follows:

Anticipate Objections, And Prepare Responses

One way to handle objections effectively is to anticipate them in advance. Think about common objections that customers may have and prepare responses to address them. 

Also, don't skip to ask open-ended questions from your prospects. It'll help you tap into your customer's hidden concerns. Thus, you can tailor your responses accordingly.

Address The Objection With Empathy And Understanding

When a potential customer objects, addressing it with empathy and understanding is important. Acknowledge the customer's concerns and validate their perspective. 

It'll assure prospects that you understand their point of view. In fact, it'll show your commitment to find a solution that meets their needs.

Reframe The Objection As An Opportunity

Another way to handle objections effectively is to reframe them as an opportunity. 

For example, suppose a prospect objects to the cost of your product or service. In that case, you must take it as an opportunity. Thereby, highlight the long-term benefits and return on investment. 

Thus, you help prospects see past their initial concerns. Plus, they can now focus on your product/service's value.

4. Ask For The Sale

There are many components you need to take care of while asking for the sales pitch: 

Know The Right Time To Make A Move

According to a study, the initial hour after a lead generation or inquiry submission holds the highest likelihood of a successful conversation over a call. 

In fact, the research showed that connecting for sales within the first hour yielded 137 successful conversions on the first attempt

It underscores the importance of promptly following up with leads.

Use Words That Sell In The CTA

If you are wondering how to end your sales pitch successfully, then optimizing your CTA is important. Research has shown that using ‘words that sell’ in the CTA can significantly increase your success rate.

A study conducted by Harvard Business School found that using the word "because" in a CTA increased the success rate by over 30%. Other verbs with proven results include:

  • Get
  • Download
  • Grow
  • Join
  • Learn
  • Find
  • Try
  • Save, etc.

Be Confident And Assertive

Let us tell you how to close a sales pitch with your confidence. When you ask for a sale, you must show confidence in your product or service and assertiveness in your approach. Prospects are likely to buy from someone confident in what they're selling. 

Thus, use a firm tone of voice on the sales call. And, if you are pitching in a virtual meeting, maintain eye contact.

When it comes to confidence, let's see what leading M&A Advisor, Erin O'Leary does to make sales- 

"I simply explain that the sales process can take from 6-9 months and I ask them: 
Would you like to be doing the same thing you are now a year from now or would you rather be ____ (fill in the blank with what they told me they would like to do in the next stage of their life)? And I close 80% of the time."

Give The Prospect A Reason To Buy Now

The best way to do so is by creating a sense of urgency, as it effectively encourages prospects to purchase from you. In fact, this is how you should end a sales pitch. You can: 

  • Offer limited-time deals or promotions
  • Emphasize the benefits of your product or service
  • Highlight the potential consequences of not buying now 

5. Follow Up

Ensure to follow up with potential customers after a sales pitch. It helps maintain a positive relationship and keep the sales process moving forward. Here are some key sales follow up strategies to help you follow up effectively:

Thank The Prospect For Their Time

Always thank your prospects for giving their time to listen to you. Further, you can express your gratitude for their interest in your service by offering them something free of cost. These may include how-to guides for the product/service or invitations to relevant webinars.

Schedule A Follow-Up Call Or Meeting

Remember to ask for a follow-up call/meeting as soon as your initial conversation ends. It shows the prospect you're committed to working with them and value their time. Also, be clear about the next steps and when you'll be in touch. To do this effectively, you should document a strategic phone script for follow up.

Send A Personalized Follow-Up Email

Follow up with a personalized email after your initial conversation. In the email:

  • Summarize the key points of your conversation 
  • Reiterate the value of your product or service 
  • Use the customer's name and any relevant details you discussed during the conversation to make the email more personal

Make More Sales With Revnew

Asking for a sale is the best way to move ahead in the sales process. You must understand the customer's needs, develop rapport and trust, and outline the benefits and features. Additionally, learn to address objections from prospects and follow up to boost your chances of success.

Seems a lot, right? To ease these processes, we recommend you join Revnew. We have a team of sales professionals with a proven track record. Once you join hands with us, we’ll entirely take up the responsibility to bring your business consistent sales. 

Want to get in touch? Contact us here.