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10 Neuroscience Tips to Capture Your Prospects Attention

Written by Anisha Dutta | Aug 22, 2023 4:11:52 PM

You must already know how difficult it is to capture a prospect’s attention nowadays. 

People are bombarded with ads, emails, and messages left and right. On top of that, humans have an average attention span of only 8.25s! This beats even that of a goldfish – which is 9 seconds.

So, if you want your prospects to take notice, you need to do something different.

That's where the neuroscience of attention comes in. Understanding and acting on the basics of how attention span works in the brain enables you to design unique sales and marketing materials.

So, let's discuss 10 expert-recommended tips to embed attention-grabbing strategies in your promotional initiatives.  

10 Top Tips for Capturing the Attention of Prospects Using Science

When it comes to attention, different brain parts come into play. 

  • The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our ability to focus on a task or idea for an extended time. 
  • On the other hand, the amygdala, part of our brain's limbic system, processes emotions and detects threats.

Now, how do these different parts of the brain relate to capturing prospects' attention? The ten tips we'll be sharing are all based on this science:

1. Use Bold Headlines and Subject Lines

Your headline is the first thing your prospect will see. Hence, you MUST make it so powerful that it instantly compels viewers to stop and take notice.

Our brains are wired to detect novelty: new and unexpected information. 

For example, when you use bold or unexpected words or phrases in your headline, you trigger the brain's novelty detection system. This system – seated in our prefrontal cortex — enables us to focus on something for a prolonged timeframe.

You're jolting your prospect's brain into paying attention by creating an unexpected or persuasive headline or subject line. And this is especially effective in a crowded digital era – when our brains are continuously busy, trying to filter out the noise.

Therefore, use power/action words that evoke emotion or create a sense of urgency. 

Here are some examples of such phrases that can establish a feeling of immediacy, pushing your prospects to act FAST:

  • "Transform Your [Problem] into [Solution]"
  • "Skyrocket Your [Metric] with..."
  • "The Blueprint for [Desired Outcome]"

2. Incorporate Eye-catching Visuals

Our minds rely heavily on visual information. In fact, research proves that our minds process visual information faster than long text passages. Therefore, when you embed high-quality images and videos into your marketing materials, you tap into the brain's visual processing system.

It can be anything from bold, vibrant colors to striking imagery that captures your prospect's interest. 

The goal is to create an engaging and captivating visual experience to which the prospect cannot help but pay attention.

Hence, pick only high-quality, appealing visuals -- relevant to your brand or message like:

  • Striking imagery on your website
  • Compelling videos on your social media accounts
  • Captivating photography in your brochures
  • Engaging GIFs in your email campaigns
  • Vibrant graphics in your presentation slides

3. Personalize Your Messaging

Make your messages more personal and relevant to individual prospects -- to leave a mark. Here’s how:

  • Use the prospect's name in your messaging. It can make the message feel more personal and engaging. This is because it activates the brain's social processing system. 

By addressing the prospect directly, you can make your message feel more meaningful and relevant to them.

  • In addition, you can personalize your messaging by referring to the prospect's company or industry. 
  • Again, acknowledge your audience’s specific situation. It can further activate the brain's social processing system. 

Thus, personalize your communication when crafting your marketing messages as much as possible. 

For example, address the prospect by name, refer to their company or industry, and demonstrate that you understand their unique needs and challenges.

Doing so can activate the brain's social processing system and capture your prospect's attention more meaningfully and engagingly.

4. Take a Bold or Controversial Stance

Challenging common assumptions or taking a stance against the grain can spark curiosity and engage the brain's emotional processing system.

When we encounter something that goes against our expectations or challenges our beliefs, it activates the brain's emotional processing system. This system is responsible for processing emotions, motivation, and rewards. 

So, when you take a firm stand, you can tap into this system. Therefore, you make your content seem more compelling and impactful.

For instance, you can question established industry norms. Or, you can adopt a bold position on a divisive subject relevant to your offering.

Here is an illustration of how the above approach works:

Pernod Ricard's #EngageResponsibly Campaign

Pernod Ricard's #EngageResponsibly drive was launched as a part of their mission against hate speech and misinformation. In partnership with the Association of National Advertisers, they introduced #EngageResponsibly. 

It equips small businesses with a tool to track and report hate speech on social platforms.

The plan: Businesses can earn an Anti-Hate Certification by gauging their 'hate footprint' and funding NGOs combating hate or supporting affected communities.

Why was the campaign successful? It helped align Pernod Ricard with values of social responsibility, thereby establishing a positive brand image and fostering community engagement.

5. Demonstrate Expertise and Authority

Sharing valuable industry insights is highly appealing to the human mind. When we come across information we perceive as useful, our brain's cognitive processing system gets activated. This system enables us to process and analyze information, solve problems, and make decisions.

Therefore, when you share your expertise and thought leadership, you tap into this system and make your resources feel invaluable.
For example, you could:

  • Create a comprehensive guide to a specific topic in your industry
  • Share original research or data
  • Provide analysis and commentary on recent trends or events

6. Use Humor and Wit

You can stand out from the competition by injecting humor into your content. Plus, you can create a positive emotional response from your prospects.

When we encounter something funny or witty, it activates our brain's reward system. It releases dopamine and creates a sense of pleasure and enjoyment. 

This can create a positive emotional association with your brand or messaging. Hence, it makes your prospects more likely to engage with and remember your communication.

For example, you could:

  • Incorporate a humorous anecdote or witty one-liner into your marketing materials
  • Use a funny meme or video in your social media posts

Being playful and lighthearted can create a memorable and engaging experience for your prospects.

For instance, here’s how Mailchimp used SEO mastery to transform search engines into viral amplifiers:

The Mailchimp team, in collaboration with the Droga5 ad agency, went beyond standard search engine tactics, crafting an ingenious, fun, and unconventional strategy.

Droga5 generated playful sound-alike names inspired by Mailchimp's quirky identity – think WhaleSynth, JailBlimp, Fail Chips, and VeilHymn. 

These names then birthed distinct products: WhaleSynth evolved into an online whale sound synthesizer, while Fail Chips introduced pre-crushed potato chip bags available across stores.

When intrigued users searched for these novel terms, clever SEO wizardry guided search engines to ask, 'Did you mean Mailchimp?'

The outcome? A staggering 988 million media impressions, 67 million organic searches, and a substantial $3.5 million in earned media value.

Droga5's innovation lay in crafting captivating products under these new, not-so-common names. The SEO magic hinged on user curiosity, sparking searches for the likes of WhaleSynth or NailChamp. 

This clever and witty approach created an autonomous entertainment marketing campaign that achieved immense awareness – all without prominently featuring the brand's actual name.

7. Engage With Interactive Content

Interactive content is another effective strategy for capturing your prospect's attention. Here, you engage your prospects in a two-way conversation. While you speak to your audience via marketing materials, they engage with them through comments, feedback, etc.

For example, interactive content, such as quizzes or surveys, requires active participation and feedback from your prospects. 

It triggers the brain's attention and reward systems. Additionally, it creates a sense of involvement and investment in the content.

For instance, you could create:

  • A quiz that tests your prospect's knowledge of your industry or product
  • A survey asking for their input on a specific topic

Requiring their participation and feedback can create a more engaging and memorable experience. Therefore, it keeps your prospects focused and involved.

8. Leverage Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for capturing your prospect's attention. People have an innate tendency to quickly place their faith in other buyers' opinions and experiences. 

Hence, make it a point to display your customers' reviews, testimonials, and case studies on your website and social media channels. The end result? Increased trust and credibility for your brand among your prospects.

Social proof engages our brain's social processing system. As a result, it helps us process the provided information. Additionally, it enables us to make decisions from a second person's viewpoint.

Prospects who see positive reviews and testimonials from others are likelier to feel positive about your brand. Hence, they are more inclined to take action. 

It’s because the brain's social processing system helps them determine whether someone is a friend or foe and to make decisions based on social cues. 

9. Highlight Benefits and Solutions

Our brains are such that they filter rewards and discard pain. Therefore, when you highlight your offering's advantages, you can instantly grab your prospect's attention. 

Prioritize to speak to their pain points and needs. By doing so, you engage their minds' reward system. You can also show them how your solution can address their issues and improve their situation. 

However, be specific and clear about your product or service's outcomes. It will help the prospect visualize the positive results they can expect. 

10. Create a Sense of Urgency

The brain's emotional processing system responds highly to time-sensitive offers and limited availability. So, when you create a sense of scarcity, you automatically increase your product/service's perceived value.

You can emphasize the urgency of your offer or highlight the limited availability of your product or service. It triggers your prospect's emotional processing system and generates anticipation. 

You can achieve this through:

  • Limited-time promotions
  • Exclusive deals for early adopters
  • Highlighting the potential consequences of delaying a decision

You can motivate prospects to act and purchase by leveraging the brain's emotional processing system. However, ensuring that the sense of urgency is genuine and not artificially created is essential – as this can lead to mistrust and disengagement from your brand.

The Way Forward

Capturing your prospect's attention is critical to successful sales or marketing strategies. By understanding the neuroscience of attention and utilizing techniques that engage the brain's different processing systems, you can create content that stands out from the competition.

Having said that, if you want more insights about utilizing your prospect's attention levels to the maximum, reach out to our experts at Revnew. We will happily share our input and help you attract and convert more deals.

For further reading: Check out how Revnew helped ViTel Net Connect with the Right Prospects.