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Outbound Lead Generation: An Easy Guide for B2B Marketers

Written by Ojesvi Singh | Dec 18, 2023 2:48:42 PM

The competitive B2B space demands your business to master reaching and retaining potential customers to thrive. In this scenario, you must learn the outbound lead generation techniques.

It is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.


68% of marketers prefer outbound marketing to find the best quality leads. This statistic underscores the power of proactively reaching out to potential customers and shaping their journey through intentional engagement.

So, let us introduce you to the elements, the strategic framework, and best practices to create an impactful outbound campaign. 

But first, let's explore why outbound engagement is necessary for your business.

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Outbound Lead Generation

The answer lies in understanding what is outbound lead generation. Unlike waiting months for prospects to notice your brand, you contact them directly with outbound marketing. 

Therefore, though inbound marketing is gaining popularity, outbound outreach is still dominant. Regarding quality, time-saving, and proper resource allocation, the latter marketing type performs the best. 

Here are some compelling reasons why you should go for outbound lead generation: 

1. Wanting Instant Results and a Game-Changing Solution

Outbound tactics, such as cold calling or targeted email campaigns, often yield quicker results than inbound strategies. These involve a more direct and proactive approach towards potential clients. 

2. Experiencing Disappointment With Current/previous Lead Generation Agencies

If your past experiences with outsourced agencies didn't meet your expectations, you must explore outbound services. Their lead generation techniques offer more control and customization in your outreach efforts. You can easily tailor your approach based on your unique business needs and target audience.

3. Facing Reputation and Credibility Challenges

You can build your brand's authority and trustworthiness head-on with outbound methods. You get to communicate your brand's story and value proposition directly. Plus, personalized outreach helps build trust and establish a positive image among potential sales leads.

4. Having Interest in Exploring Outbound Marketing

If your marketing and sales teams want to diversify their efforts, outbound lead generation strategies can be a valuable addition. Such marketing can complement your team's inbound efforts. Thus, you can achieve a more holistic approach to lead generation.

5. Experiencing a High CAC Due to Unsuitable SEO and PPC

Cost of Acquisition (CAC) through traditional digital channels is often high. For example, your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-per-click (PPC) may be more expensive than the returns they bring. Thus, you must be careful about spending your money and resources in such channels.

Here, outbound tactics might offer a cost-effective alternative. These techniques involve highly targeted outreach. Thus, you can quickly identify and connect with potential leads more efficiently. It'll reduce overall acquisition costs.

6. Battling the "No Show" Phenomenon

Direct communication is the main factor of outbound marketing. It allows for a better understanding of your target customer's needs. Thus, it increases the chances of successful interactions. In addition, the personalized touch encourages engagement and reduces the likelihood of leads not showing interest.

7. Seeking Easy Attribution for Marketing Efforts

You get clearer attribution to measure your marketing efforts, such as:

  • Cold email's performance with open rates, click-through rates, content downloads, response rates, etc. 
  • Cold calls effectiveness through the number of target clients positively responding. Plus, the number of calls that turn into warm calls? 
  • Social media outreach via LinkedIn Twitter comes with in-built analytics that helps you gauge the performance of your posts. 

It can contribute to better-informed decision-making for future marketing endeavors.

8. Having Exclusive Lead Assurance

Unlike inbound marketing, you apply a more targeted approach through outbound channels. You don't wait for the right leads to pick your content here. Instead, you already know which can benefit from your offerings. 

Thus, it assures that outbound leads generated are exclusive and aligned with your ideal customer profile (ICP). This exclusivity leads to improved conversion rates and a more efficient use of resources.

9. Dealing With Leads Forgetting Downloads and Ignoring Calls

As your lead list already resonates with your ICP, re-engaging passive leads becomes easier. You already know what they need, so all you need to do is regain their interest. 

If they forget to download materials, you can remind them through emails: 

  • Mentioning the content's topic
  • Explaining how it will add value
  • Resharing the download link

If leads ignore your calls, you can try other channels to convey your message. Sometimes, people don't have time to get on a call or may not prefer such communication. Thus, you can rekindle interest through targeted LinkedIn InMail or email. 

10. Seeking a Partner to Simplify Your Job

For many reasons, it's better to partner with professionals specializing in outreach marketing. The rising availability of outbound services is making it easier for you to find the right outsourced SDR partner. Such collaboration can simplify your marketing process. Plus, your team can focus on other core aspects of your business while experts handle the outreach.

You can hire services for specific roles, such as SDRs (Sales Development Representatives). But, you’ll need to find a reliable lead generation agency that offers outsourced SDR services

Also, ensure the chosen professional's experience and proven track record are checked. Remember that the outsourced SDR cost of hiring may vary based on the professional's skills. 

Now, that you know how outbound tactics fulfill your marketing needs, let’s see components of ideal lead generation campaign.

What Does Successful Outbound Lead Generation Consist Of?

You must maintain a strategic blend of the below-given elements to make your outbound outreach successful: 

1. Accurate Buyer Personas or ICPs 

It is evident that you need to have buyer personas or ICPs in place. But are you sure you considered all the factors that shape an accurate persona or ICP? 

If not, then recheck if you included: 

For Buyer Persona: Check the following data categories: 

  • Demographic data 
  • Psychographic data
  • Behavioral characteristics.

-while designing your target persona. 


For ICP: Check the desired company attributes, such as: 

  • Industry
  • Employee size
  • HQ location
  • Founded date
  • Funding status
  • Total funding
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO) status

Plus, analyzing your current customer base's data will be helpful. 

For example, you can consider your existing customers' buying behavior, likes, dislikes, expectations, and other patterns. 

If you want to simplify this entire process, hire a reliable outbound lead generation agency. They can help you build the perfect lead lists that satisfy your target buyer persona/ICP. 

Doing so will help you mold your approach into a customer-centric one. Such a targeted effort boosts business profits by 60% and reduces sales and marketing costs by 10-20%.

2. An Updated List of Prospect Contact Details

You don't want to send your perfectly crafted outbound campaign to leads that no longer belong to your target audience. Thus, regularly update the contact details of your target audience. 

You can do so through:

  • Data enrichment services
  • Manual verification (Cross-checking contact updates through social media platforms)
  • Data validation tools 
  • Email verification services

Once done with the prospect list, apply the BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) lead qualification framework. It will identify high-value leads based on the updated contact and other details. 

It ensures your outreach efforts reach prospects with the highest likelihood of conversion.

3. Segment-based Content

You should segment your target audience into different categories for more personalized outreach. The categories can be based on-

  • Industry type
  • Location
  • Job titles 
  • Pain points, etc.

It'll help you create content tailored to specific segments of your target audience. This way, you can enhance the relevance and engagement of your potential prospects. 

When your offering satisfies the exact needs of your potential customers, the lead generation conversion rate increases. Plus, you can generate 10-15% more revenue through your tailored offerings based on customer segments.

4. Compelling Messaging

You can do this in two ways: 

  • Using Psychological Triggers: Use triggering words and phrases that compel your audience to respond.

    For example, the term 'Reciprocate' encourages people to feel obligated to respond following another's act of service. Here, your act of service could be sharing relevant educational content with them through email. You can ask them to reciprocate by sharing their contact details for signing up for your newsletter.

    You can also include other triggers in your messaging and content, such as:
    • Social Proof
    • Reader's first name on email subject lines, content texts, and sales pages. 
    • Quizzes, surveys, feedback forms, etc. to show commitment to learning about the prospect.
  • Addressing Prevalent Challenges/needs: Craft personalized messages, blog posts, gated content, webinars, and video messages. Focus on addressing specific challenges or needs that your target prospect faces. It'll foster a meaningful connection with the prospect.
  • Performing Data-driven Follow-up: Your outbound campaign needs a well-designed strategy to follow up on promising prospects. Studies say 95% of all paying customers convert after a sixth call attempt.

    Leverage high-quality and real-time lead data to make informed decisions and streamline reaching out to potential customers. Here's how to do it: 
    • Define scoring criteria within your CRM, considering factors like engagement, demographics, and behavior. Next, implement a lead scoring model to prioritize leads based on their conversion likelihood.
    • Develop email sequences for different segments based on their stage in the sales lead funnel.
    • Use automation tools to schedule and send personalized emails at optimal times.
    • Automate routine tasks such as updating contact records, scheduling follow-ups, or assigning leads to sales representatives.
    • Analyze data trends to optimize your follow-up strategy continually.

5. Right Metrics to Measure Outbound Efforts

Finally, you should have a proper process to measure your outbound efforts. Why? Well, doing so benefits you in the following manner: 

  • It provides insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns
  • It helps optimize strategies and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently

Here are the primary lead generation metrics you should track:  

  • Response Rate: Measure how many prospects respond to your outreach efforts.
  • Conversion Rate: Guage the percentage of leads that convert into actual customers.
  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs): Identify leads that meet the criteria for potential sales.
  • Pipeline Velocity: Assess the speed at which leads move through the sales pipeline.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Understand the cost of acquiring a new customer.

Ensure you have the above components in place. Thus, we can move ahead to putting them strategically in our lead-generating framework. 

Proven Outbound Framework for Generating Leads

This framework acknowledges the non-linear nature of the B2B buying process. Thus, relying solely on email sales cadence might not be sufficient; therefore, a comprehensive approach is necessary to optimize every touchpoint and guide potential clients toward decision-making. 

Here's a proven outbound framework to generate leads seamlessly:

1. Cold Email Campaigns

It is the first touchpoint, and you should put extra effort into optimizing it. Here's what you need to do: 

  • Send Cold Emails: Initiate the outreach process with well-crafted cold emails that grab attention and communicate value.
  • Follow Up with Cold Leads: Actively follow up with leads who show interest or engagement, adapting the messaging based on their responses.
  • BANT Qualification: Assess leads based on BANT to prioritize those with the highest potential.

Tips and Tactics: Ensure to incorporate these while creating a cold email campaign

2. Warm Calls

Don't just stop with emails; be more proactive and hit on the other effective touchpoint. So, use it strategically, like:

  • Initiate Warm Calls: Use warm calls to establish a more direct and personalized connection for all your cold email recipients.
  • Send Voice Notes: If calls go unanswered, utilize voice notes to add a personal touch and capture attention. It will allow prospects to check your message on their own time.

Note- Assess the interest level of the primary contact. There might be instances when your primary target contact redirects you to another job role within their company with the power to decide. In this scenario, inquire about the contact details of the referred contacts and put them into your email list for cold emailing.

Again, follow the similar process of sending regular warm calls and voice notes. 

  • Qualify and Overcome Objections: During the call, qualify leads further and address any objections or concerns they may have.
  • Book Meeting: Once qualified, schedule a meeting to delve deeper into their needs and offerings.

Tips and Tactics: Here's what can make your calls more effective: 

  • Be prepared with a script, but maintain a conversational tone
  • Address objections empathetically
  • Emphasize the value proposition during the call

3. Leverage LinkedIn

The next important touchpoint is LinkedIn. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members are senior-level influencers who drive business decisions. Thus, it is a perfect platform to reach your potential prospects. 

Here's how:

  • Send Connection Requests: Expand your outreach by connecting with leads on LinkedIn and building a professional network.
  • Send InMail: Utilize LinkedIn's InMail feature to send personalized messages, reinforcing your value proposition.
  • Check Interest and Referrals: Similar to warm calls, gauge interest and explore potential referrals on the LinkedIn platform.
  • Qualify and Overcome Objections: Use LinkedIn interactions to qualify leads further and address objections. Offer prospects to schedule a call to discuss their expectations and concerns. 
  • Book Meeting: Conclude the conversation by requesting a sales meeting to move the prospect along the funnel.

Tips and Tactics: Do the following to multiply the chances ofto multiply chances of positive responses: 

  • Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile
  • Engage in industry-related discussions
  • Use InMail sparingly for maximum impact
  • Leverage mutual connections for warm introductions

While following the framework, ensure to keep up with the best practices for desired results.

Best Practices in Outbound Lead Generation

These interactive best practices empower your outbound lead generation strategy, ensuring adaptability and responsiveness to the dynamic nature of prospect engagement.

1. Nurture Interested But Unqualified Leads

Some leads may like what you offer, but they may not match your ICP and fail BANT qualification. However, don't cut ties with them yet. Their situation may change later and align with your offer. So, to ensure they don't choose your competitor, you need to stay on top of their minds. Here's how: 

  • Customize your content to the unique interests and needs that leads demonstrate. Use insights gained during interactions to deliver relevant and valuable information.
  • Set up automated drip campaigns that provide a consistent flow of information without overwhelming the lead. 
  • Align your strategy with the lead's preferred communication methods.
  • Regularly analyze relevant engagement metrics to gauge the lead's level of interest. Adjust your nurturing strategy based on prospects' interactions.

2. Rekindle Relationships with Unconverted Prospects

Even if you book a sales meeting with your prospect, they may not convert immediately. Such prospects may ask to reschedule further appointments or entirely ghost you after the meeting ends. These could be due to many reasons, such as:

  • Your prospect may not have the budget to purchase 
  • They don't want to invest right away 

Don't let them go right away; instead, keep in touch with them. Here's what you can do:

  • Reach out to prospects who didn't convert after a successful sales meeting. Understand the reasons behind their decision and address any concerns they may have.
  • Present new information or solutions that may have developed since the last interaction. Demonstrate how your product or service has evolved to meet their needs.
  • Recognize that prospects may not have been ready to purchase during the initial engagement. Check in periodically, ensuring you reach out at a time when their circumstances or priorities may have changed.
  • Share success stories from similar clients who initially hesitated but found value in your offering over time. Illustrate the long-term benefits of choosing your solution.

3. Optimize Outbound Campaigns with A/B Testing Continuously

B2B is a dynamic space. So, you must regularly make needed adjustments in your marketing touchpoints. Here's what you must do:

  • Experiment with different email scripts to identify the most compelling language and messaging. Test variations in tone, length, and content to optimize engagement.
  • Craft subject lines that intrigue and entice recipients to open your emails. Test different approaches, such as curiosity, urgency, or personalization, to determine the most effective ones.
  • Continuously refine your phone scripts by testing different messaging approaches. Identify the tonality and language that resonates best with your audience and adapts to their evolving preferences.
  • Experiment with various ad creatives on LinkedIn to understand what's appealing to your target audience. Analyze click-through rates and adjust visuals and messaging accordingly.
  • Test different InMail scripts on LinkedIn to find the most impactful way to initiate conversations. Adjust your approach as per the responses and engagement levels you observe.


Leverage this guide's practical strategies and tools to navigate proactive lead engagement. Ensure your outbound lead generation includes personalized email campaigns and strategic prospecting.

You can unlock better lead generation success with specialized professionals at Revnew. Our experts have helped several clients reach their high-value prospects with our outreach framework. Contact us here if you want to know what we can do for your business.