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10 Easy Tips to Skyrocket Your Webinar Attendance Rates

Written by Ojesvi Singh | Aug 15, 2023 3:41:21 PM

Have you ever poured your heart into creating a fantastic webinar only to find your attendance rate is disappointingly low? You are not alone in this. Though numbers say up to 57% of marketers run webinars per year for marketing, most of them need help to get views. But worry not cause we have the perfect solutions to boost your virtual seats. 

Post-COVID, it has been also seen that webinars are more effective than other expensive events like tradeshows.

So, are you all in to explore 10 proven strategies that can skyrocket your webinar attendance rate and webinar ROI? Let's check them out. 

10 Strategies That Boost Your Webinar Attendance Rates

“Webinars provide businesses with an affordable way to connect and collaborate; these virtual events are a great way to showcase your knowledge, generate leads and make a lasting impression.” ~ James Smith, Founder, Travel Llingual

With these strategies, you will entice potential participants to secure their seats early. Thus, you will put the foundation for a successful webinar to capture high-quality leads

Additionally, as a webinar host, you must prepare to speak to your audience confidently. Thus, ensure to begin your regular speech practice.

So, once you are self-prepared, here are our ten tactics to get your target viewers onboard. 

1. Utilize The Power Of Social Media

When there are 4.9 billion social media users globally, why shouldn't you take advantage of it? 

Indeed, you must connect with potential participants where they hang out the most. That's how you can maximize your upcoming webinar's reach. In fact, you can leverage all media platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or even YouTube. Here's how: 

  • Instagram: 33% Of B2B brands have Instagram handles. Thus, you can also use this social media platform to promote your webinar. However, you'll require to catch your target audience's attention. Here are a few steps to do so:
  • Craft eye-catching posts and stories about your webinar.
  • Use vibrant visuals and compelling captions to grab attention. 
  • Leverage relevant hashtags to expand your reach and engage with your audience.
  • Share informative and value-driven posts related to the webinar topic. Further, add a link to register for the webinar.
  • Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to showcase your expertise and create a buzz around your upcoming webinar.
  • Facebook: Meta, or Facebook, is still a hub to showcase B2B advertisements. In fact, it can be an excellent way to reach your broader audience and inform them about your webinar. However, the below steps will help you do it better: 
  • Create a Facebook event for your webinar and invite your followers and colleagues. Encourage your followers to invite others, fostering a network effect that boosts attendance.
  • Give a sneak peek of what you will cover in your webinar. You can use Facebook Live for it. 
  • Release a short video and talk about the webinar topic for only 2 minutes. It may hook potential attendees to invest their time in your webinar further.
  • Use Facebook Ads Manager to filter your reach to your custom audience. It pops up your webinar promotional ads to the audience feeds who engaged with your content earlier. 
  • Twitter: Twitter is an excellent way to spread your message to your target group quickly. It has multiple features like retweets, threads, and hashtags to help a tweet get viral. Here's how you can use Twitter to promote your webinar: 
  • Build anticipation by tweeting snippets from your webinar content. 
  • Use Twitter chats or Q&A sessions to spark interest and encourage retweets. Thus, it will broaden your webinar's visibility.
  • Post your tweet a number of times. 
  • Give your audience a unique hashtag they can use during and later your webinar. 
  • YouTube: If you keep track of social media stats, you must know that YouTube is now the 2nd largest search engine in the world. Moreover, users view around 5 billion videos per day collectively. So, if you have your YouTube channel, why don't you leverage it to promote your webinar? Let us tell you how to do it: 
  • Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve discoverability. 
  • Create a captivating teaser video that highlights the key points of your webinar. 
  • Use engaging visuals and a persuasive voiceover in the teaser. It'll leave viewers eager for more.
  • Partner with relevant influencers or experts in your niche to co-host or promote your webinar. 
  • Host a live Q&A or mini-workshop on YouTube before the webinar to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience. 
  • Create a post-event trailer. Upload the first 10 minutes so people can see what the webinar is about before they register and watch the full recording. 
  • Create engaging YouTube shorts to promote upcoming webinars.
  • Repurpose previous webinar topics to get more attention and build authority.

2. Send Personalized Invitations 

If you plan to send generic mass invitations, stop there. Such invitations are often overlooked and forgotten. 

However, on the other side, personalized invitations inject life into your webinar promotions. In fact, 87% of consumers prefer personally relevant branded content. So, for your webinar invitation, ensure to do the following:

  • Address your recipients by their names.
  • Understand your audience's preferences and pain points to craft promotional content. 
  • Mention their interests to create an instant emotional connection.

Thus, demonstrate your webinar addresses their specific challenges/needs. This way, you show them you have the solutions they've been searching for.

3. Get Referrals Through Fostering Interaction

The more people refer your webinars to others, the higher the attendee numbers you'll receive. However, that can only happen if your initial viewers are happy with your session. One way you can make it happen is by interacting with them throughout the session. 

A quote from an industry expert says: 

"Webinars aren't going anywhere anytime soon in B2B, and there's a simple reason why: people trust people, and in a post-covid world, interactivity is valued more than ever. ~ Claire Trévien, Account Director, Isoline Communications

Many webinar tools allow you to stay interactive with your viewers, even if you upload your pre-recorded webinar. One such example is Livestrom. However, depending on what kind of interactive elements you want to add, you'll need to do some research on available tools. 

Moving ahead, let's see various elements you can use during your webinar to boost interactivity. These are as follows:

  • Interactive Polls And Surveys

Suppose you're hosting your business webinar, and at strategic moments, you pop up interactive polls and surveys. Bam! Instant engagement!  Your audience can share their thoughts, opinions, and preferences in real-time.

Moreover, those interactive polls spark friendly competition among your attendees. And here's the magic sauce: when you embrace their opinions and make them feel valued, they're hooked!

  • Engaging Q&A Sessions

Another way to boost interactions is to encourage viewers to ask questions. In fact, you must have dedicated time for live Q&A sessions. It's not just about answering queries; it's about creating a personal bond. 

Hence, when your audience feels heard and satisfied, they'll like to invite their like-minded friends to your next event.

  • Breakout Rooms For Networking

Do you want to transform your online event into an unforgettable live experience? This is where you bring in breakout rooms!

Here's how it works- 

  • Once you finish a presentation segment, split your participants into smaller groups. 
  • Further, let them discuss exciting topics and tackle challenges together.
  • Thus, such networking sparks connections and creates a tight-knit community around your webinar. 
  • When attendees interact, share ideas, and bond, they become your webinar's biggest fans. Hence, they are likely to refer your fantastic event to their peers.
  • Post-Webinar Follow-up And Resources

Don't let the buzz fade after the event. Keep it alive by sharing valuable resources like slides, readings, and exclusive offers. In fact, you must stay in touch with attendees through webinar follow up email sequences, social media, or a dedicated community platform.

Nurture these relationships, and watch their loyalty grow as they excitedly spread the word to others. 

4. Offer Incentives For Sharing Webinar Link

It's a no-brainer that people love to get rewarded. Thus, you can leverage it with the following tactics: 

  • Offer irresistible incentives to attendees for sharing your webinar link. For example:
  • Exclusive rewards
  • Access to premium content
  • Even exciting giveaways
  • Spread the word like wildfire through social media, emails, and word-of-mouth. 

However, before you share how excellent your incentive program is, ensure to pick an ideal incentive type.

Yes! There are different types of incentive programs with their own set of pros and cons. Let's look at them: 

One-sided Incentives For Webinar Attendees

This type of incentive program focuses on serving your webinar attendees. Here, you'll plan relevant rewards, special perks, and others for each of your attendees to convert them into loyal potential customers

Further, you can use it to motivate them to:

  • Bring more webinar registrations.
  • Continue to take part in your webinars. 

However, there are pros and cons to it that you must know of: 


  • Attendees are more likely to refer others to your webinar when they get something in return.
  • Referral rewards to satisfied attendees lead to many new viewers. Plus, they are more likely to share and recommend what they like.
  • Attendees who get regular referral rewards are likely to be future participants of your webinars. 


  • Referrals may not appear as authentic if only referrers receive compensation for bringing in new business. It's true regardless of how great the product or service is.

Two-sided Referral Incentives 

In this incentive program, you reward both the existing attendees and the newly-referred viewer. Furthermore, you can reward both parties with the same and different rewards. 

For example, you can offer $20 credit to each or 50 points for the advocate and a 15% discount for the referred attender.

Now, let's check out what pros and cons of this incentive program type: 


  • When both the referrer and referred attendees get rewards, incentive programs are more successful.
  • Advocates won't look self-serving since they also reward new attendees.


  • You may not be able to give multiple incentives.
  • Tracking incentives for both parties will get hectic. 

5. Capture Attention With A Compelling Title

Your aim is to create a title that tantalizes the senses and leaves your audience crucial for what you have to share. But what's the secret formula to make such a compelling webinar title? It's simple: Know your audience inside out. 

Here are some tips that'll help you brainstorm the best webinar titles: 

  • Your audience should feel "This webinar is tailor-made for them." Thus, craft a title that speaks directly to their needs and challenges. 
  • Go beyond the ordinary. Be bold, be unique.
  • Choose the most relevant keywords to enhance visibility.
  • Ensure the copy provides a clear description of the webinar content.
  • Tailor the title to your specific audience and topic.
  • Highlight a particular challenge or goal in the title to attract interest.
  • Keep the title concise and to the point.
  • Use the target audience as the focus when crafting your webinar title. 
  • Never use a clickbait title; it will reduce your credibility.  

6. Call An Effective Co-Host

Calling renowned experts to co-host your webinar is a great strategy to boost the webinar's attendance. However, your job is to find the best person with deep knowledge about the webinar topic you'll be covering. If your chosen expert has a good following on social handles, then it's a plus. 

You can ask them to promote your webinar details within their network. It'll benefit you in two ways: 
  • You will emerge as an crdible source to speak on the topic with authority.
  • You will be introduced to your guest speaker's audience, boosting registration. 

7. Announce Through Press Release

Earlier paid PR campaigns offered a tried-and-true method to promote various events. So, shouldn't you give it a try for promoting your webinar event too? Like traditional events, you can market webinars through: 

  • Banner ads
  • Guest posts on news sites
  • Radio

These mediums will widen your audience reach. 

Moreover, you can leverage PR agencies to manage your marketing campaigns. Make them work in your favor in the following ways: 

  • Handle your webinar series with expertise. 
  • Actively promote your webinar on their social media and blogs. Thus, you can get even more exposure. 
  • Gain additional followers from their extensive network, further enhancing your online presence. 

8. Co-Promote Your Webinar 

Your partners working to launch your webinar content can also be its great promoters. Be it your event organizing team or research team, make them spread the word about your webinar. 

For this, you need to reach out to your partners personally. Further do the needful: 

  • Ask them to promote your webinar in their social media posts. 
  • Encourage them to retweet, tag, and share your promotional content on social media. It'll create a ripple effect of impressions. 

In fact, your partners' networks can expand your reach and ensure a booming turnout for your webinar.

9. Announce Webinar In Slack Communities

Slack communities are not only limited to professional communications but also to promote webinars. In fact, it's the best time to give it a try, as Slack is gaining a steady user base. 

Within Slack communities, people often discuss their pain points and exchange valuable resources. Thus, it becomes a unique and non-traditional approach you can take for your webinar promotion. 

When you promote webinars in Slack communities, use the following tips:

  • Make sure that your audience is part of that specific community. Thus, you can capture the audience's interest and address pain points directly.
  • Create a well-crafted design and persuasive copy to attract more signups. 
  • Use a more personalized invitation than a generic post like "Join our webinar." 

For example, you can mention the webinar broadcast date, like “Join Us on 11-08-2023.”

Or, you can mention what participants will learn, such as, “Join our 3-day event to explore the depth of content marketing.” 

10. Use Social Proof 

Can you guess what's the powerful way to grab people's attention and earn their trust? It's called showcasing social proof! 

Man is a social being; it’s not surprising we love social proofs, it sells brands fast,” ~ Bernard Kelvin Clive.

Basically, when others see that lots of folks like and trust something, they tend to get curious and interested too.

Here's what we recommend you: 

  • After hosting webinars, ask the attendees to share their thoughts and experiences. Then, you can show off their feedback to others to prove just how fantastic your webinars are.
  • To make these testimonials even more appealing, why not add pictures of the happy attendees? This way, it becomes more human and exciting. It'll be like seeing real people enjoying and benefiting from your webinars.

Popular Examples Of Webinar Promotions 

Now, are you ready to check out popular webinar promotions to inspire your promotional approach? 

Here are a few examples of brands that use unique approaches to promote their webinars: 


Mailchimp is a popular service that you must be already familiar with. The company is also known to host webinars on different marketing topics. 

Below is one example of their webinar promotion. See these key elements of the promotional post: 

  • A question-based description that addresses their audience's needs.
  • Professionally-tailored details of host and guest speaker.
  • High-quality headshots of speakers.
  • Banner title- tips on running a successful promotion. It again clearly addresses the webinar's topic.


As mentioned, one of our tactics is asking guest speakers to promote your webinar. Here, you require guest speakers to share upcoming webinar details with their network.

Here's an example of the same by the Semrush webinar's guest speaker. 

The below image shows the post by the guest speaker, which includes:

  • The title of the webinar.
  • Names of the speakers.
  • Headshots of each guest speaker.
  • A link for viewers for webinar registration.


Congratulations! You now know how to unlock your soaring webinar attendance rates. With these 10 proven strategies, you have the power to captivate your audience, turning your webinars into unforgettable experiences. What if we tell you there is a sure-shot way to boost your webinar attendance?

Join hands with one of the best webinar marketing services, Revnew. Our experts have the needed skills and experience in webinar marketing. Hence, let them do the work for you while you enjoy desired results. 

Also, remember, it's not just about numbers; it's about building connections and leaving a lasting impression. So go forth, try out these tactics, and witness the transformation in your webinar success like never before!