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How to Repurpose Your Webinar Content for Maximum Engagement

Written by Anisha Dutta | Sep 8, 2023 2:56:50 PM

Consider this: 61% of companies employ webinars in content marketing, and for 37% of B2B marketers, webinars yield content marketing ROI.

So, are webinars effective? Well, the above numbers have already answered your question. Webinars are excellent marketing tools. Plus, they can be reused again – multiple times!

You may or may not have considered this, but your B2B webinar content is simply not excellent information. It's a repertoire of knowledge – waiting to be explored and reshared. 

The potential of a webinar doesn't fade when the session ends; it marks the beginning of numerous content possibilities. And this is where repurposing your webinar content makes an entry.

As per our experts at Revnew, “Strategically repurposing your webinar content isn't just a smart move; it's a standard marketing approach.” 

It extends the lifespan of your content and demonstrates your brand's consistency and expertise to your audience. In addition, several secrets of using webinars to gain trust multiply your firm’s credibility. 

Again, giving your webinars a new look and touch enriches your website with high-quality content. Hence, you end up giving your SEO that much-required push. That's right; it's a win-win situation.

Having said that, let's guide you through our 5-step process of repurposing webinar content:

5 Smart Steps to Repurpose Your Webinar Content 

It's time to maximize your webinar ROI metrics and make every piece of your session’s content work harder for you. So, let’s start:

1. Commence By Recognizing Your Goals

The first step – defining your objectives. What's the ultimate aim of repurposing your webinar content? 

  • Are you looking to capture leads?
  • Do you want to elevate your brand's visibility?
  • Do you simply wish to enlighten your audience? 

Clarity here is critical because your goals will steer the course of your repurposing strategy.

Now, let's talk about the people who matter most in this equation – your audience:

  • Who are these individuals you're eager to connect with through your repurposed content?
  • What piques their interest, and what solutions are they seeking? 

You must clearly understand your audience's aspirations and needs. Only then you can shape content that resonates and sparks engagement.

2. Diversify Your Content Formats

The key here is to transform your content into engaging formats. This approach serves a dual purpose: broadening your reach and ensuring your content remains captivating.

Also, pinpoint the core webinar tenets that had impacted your attendees most. Such pieces will drive the maximum engagement when repurposed into new content types. 

As stated by Gabriel Ramuglia, founder of

"Webinars are not just one-time events. With strategic repurposing, they can be the gift that keeps on giving, providing value across multiple platforms and formats." 

Now, let's dive into our top picks for content formats that work wonders:

Blog Posts/Articles

Blogs are a versatile format for repurposing your webinar content:

  • Start by transcribing your webinar content. Then, use this to start writing your blog post. 
  • Break it into sections, add engaging headings, and optimize it for SEO – to enhance its discoverability. 
  • Incorporate visuals, such as screenshots or graphs, to make the content more appealing. 
  • You can even go a step further and create a series of blog posts from a single webinar. 

Social Media Posts

Quotes or snippets from your webinar are perfect for creating engaging social media content. Their concise and bite-sized format makes them highly shareable. 

These snippets can effectively expand your reach when shared on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Again, transforming the webinar transcript into a series of social media posts – highlighting key takeaways – is a great way to keep your audience engaged. 

Pair these snippets with eye-catching visuals or videos to grab attention. Next, schedule them for gradual release to maximize exposure.


The Q&A sections from your webinars can easily evolve into FAQs. Extracting questions and answers from the webinar content creates a valuable resource for your audience. 

FAQs address common queries and clarify the discussed topics, enhancing the overall user experience.


Embrace the power of video marketing. As per research, 91% of consumers want to see more online video content from brands.

So, to get started, record your webinar using tools like Loom or Zoom to create informative clips. Ensure accessibility by adding captions. Here are some more tips:

  • If your webinar included slide presentations or visual content, repurpose them into a video series. 
  • Modify your recordings as per the targeted audience. You can also include captions to increase accessibility and understanding. Finally, share the clips on YouTube or Vimeo for better visibility. 


Did you know?

Yes, infographics are a dynamic way to summarize the key points of your webinar. They offer a visually appealing representation of data and information. 

For example, let’s say your webinar discussed B2B ABM (Account-Based Marketing) strategies. You could create an infographic highlighting various approaches and their pros and cons. 

Including statistics and successful campaign examples adds value to the infographic. This visually captivating format simplifies complex information for your audience. In addition, you can easily present it in an understandable format. 

Live Q&A Sessions

Host a live Q&A session where you address questions related to your webinar content. This interactive format directly connects with your audience, further clarifying key points and fostering engagement.

Follow-Up User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is extremely valuable. In fact, your brand engagements can rise by 28% when you share a mix of professional marketing resources and user-generated content. So, how can you use this strategy in webinar content repurposing?

Read more: How to use webinars for marketing?

Engage your participants in Q&A segments during the session. Once the webinar ends, utilize these audience insights to create follow-up articles. These pieces directly address your attendees' interests and deepen their engagement with your content.

E-Books or Whitepapers

B2B content marketing via e-books and whitepapers has seen a spike in recent years. E-book sales have a 12.8% user penetration, and its market is expected to grow to 14.1% by 2027. 

Therefore, you can tap into this trend to repurpose your webinar content. If your webinar delved deeply into a specific topic, consider transforming the content into a downloadable e-book or whitepaper. Such assets can serve as lead magnets, capturing email addresses and generating potential leads for your business.


Repackage your webinar content as a podcast episode. Here’s how:

  • Edit the audio for a smoother listening experience
  • Add introductions and conclusions
  • Publish it on popular podcast platforms

This extends your reach to a broader audience and caters to auditory learners.

Zeeshan Akhtar, Head of Marketing at Mailmodo, shares an illustration of combining some of the aforementioned repurposing strategies: 

“We start the repurposed pipeline with a video page on our website and share an on-demand video link with all registrants. We also upload long-form videos on YouTube and perform basic SEO checks. 

We also distribute audio-only formats as podcasts on all podcast platforms. We summarize the essentials from the event in a Twitter thread or a LinkedIn post.  We also convert the best portions from the recording into small clips and share them over socials like Youtube and TikTok as stories."

Thought Leadership Posts

Craft thought leadership posts inspired by the speaker's session. These can be gated content pieces, such as:

 "Read What [Speaker Name] Has to Say About Increasing Medical Lead Conversions." 

They position your brand as an industry leader and attract interested readers.\

Email Newsletters

Create engaging webinar email sequences and newsletters highlighting critical areas covered in your webinar. Include links to the recording and your website. Craft snappy subject headers to entice recipients into exploring the content further. Here’s an example:

Subject: "Webinar Recap and Resources"

Hi [Recipient's Name],

Our recent webinar, "Mastering Webinars for Success," was a hit! In case you missed it, here's what we covered:

  • Engaging Webinar Strategies
  • Interactive Q&A Tips
  • Compelling Slide Decks
  • Lead Generation Insights

Catch the full recording here: [Webinar Recording Link]

Explore more resources on our website: [Website Link]

Stay tuned for upcoming webinars!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company]

Upcoming Webinars

You may not have considered this. But you can repurpose your past webinars to come up with new, novel webinar ideas. How?

Some participants might have raised queries that deviated slightly from the actual topic. You can utilize these off-topic conversational threads to build anticipation for upcoming webinars. Highlight attractive segments to inspire the next wave of engagement.

Slideshare Presentations

Condense the main webinar points into visually appealing presentations for SlideShare. Incorporate engaging visuals and concise text. 

Moreover, include a CTA (Call to Action) to direct viewers back to your website or landing page. You can also offer a free download of your webinar slides or a transcript. It gives an additional resource to your audience. Therefore, they are encouraged to revisit your resource.

Online Workshops

Develop a live workshop or training session based on your webinar's main concepts and ideas. This interactive format, whether in person or virtual, fosters deeper engagement and interaction with your audience.

On-demand Content

Repackage your webinar for on-demand viewing: 

  • If it was recorded, make it accessible on a dedicated landing page or embedded on your website. It allows visitors to access the content conveniently, extending its lifespan and value.
  • Understand how to choose a webinar topic that’s evergreen. Pick such topics from within your webinar and transform them into listicles. These easily digestible formats offer enduring value and encourage continuous engagement over time.

Remembering the final destination is crucial regardless of which format you choose for repurposing your webinar content. Your content must be tailored to fit the platform or medium you select for repurposing.

For instance, the same webinar content transformed into a video series will naturally differ from, let's say, an e-book.

Also, personalize your examples and case studies to connect with diverse viewers, ultimately boosting engagement.

As reiterated by Abhi Bavishi (B2B SaaS Growth Marketer) "In the realm of B2B content marketing, webinar repurposing is not about recycling, it's about breaking content into atomized pieces, and then creatively rebuilding them in a way that caters individually to multiple platforms, thus maximizing exposure and engagement."

3. Brainstorm Promotional Strategies 

The next critical step is promotion once you've successfully repurposed your content. Your efforts in repurposing should be complemented by strategic sharing across various platforms such as:

  • Social Media: Promote on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Webinar Platforms: Utilize channels like GoToWebinar and Zoom
  • Your Company Website: Place a CTA in each webpage’s sidebar 
  • Press Releases: Share them with leading industry journalists
  • Advertising and Paid Media: Use them for more exposure to ToFu attendees
  • Signature Lines: Ask your employees to put a link to your repurposed content in their signature lines
  • Your Website’s Other Sections: Promote on your site’s news, feed, splash screen, or dashboard
  • Trade Shows: Create hand-outs for attendees and distribute them

You can also learn more about how to increase webinar attendance rates here.

4. Tag the Experts

Don't forget the importance of involving the experts and speakers who participated in your webinar when repurposing content. It presents an excellent chance to elevate their influence even further.

Consider tagging them in your social media posts that are derived from the webinar content. When you collaborate with these experts on subsequent content pieces, you open doors to their followers. In return, they become a part of your viewer base through these repurposed materials.

It's a mutually beneficial arrangement: The experts gain more exposure. And you expand your reach by leveraging their credibility and following in the content repurposing process.

5. Optimize for Search Engines

Getting the most out of your repurposed content means ensuring it shows up well on search engines. It's not something you do later; ideally, you start thinking about it when you're creating your webinar. That way, when you repurpose the content, it's more likely to rank higher in search results.

Speaking of search engines, Google is much more than just keywords these days. They want to see that you're an authority in your field. One way to do that is to take the key parts of your webinar (slides, the important points, and actionable tips) and share them on your own channels.

This isn't just about showing off; it's about giving your customers some real value. Plus, when other websites see your excellent content, they might want to link back to it, giving your site even more credibility. 

Wrapping It Up

When you start repurposing your webinar content, consider each of its sections as an opportunity for – creating multiple formats and promoting across multiple channels and touchpoints. 

If you need help with multi-channel strategies to promote webinars, we highly recommend you partner with a reputed webinar marketing agency. They will enable you to push your content further, increase brand exposure, and enhance audience engagement.

That being said, do you have any further questions? If yes, [Contact Our Experts at Revnew] now!

For further reading: Tips to Create Compelling Webinar Invites