Source "Work smarter, not harder" - with HubSpot automation, you'll be able to do just that! With...
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Are you ready to boost your Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy and take it to new heights? Look no further than HubSpot! In this guide, we'll show you how to harness the power of HubSpot to score intent and feed your ABM motion.
A big part of leveraging HubSpot solutions for ABM includes setting its lead-scoring criteria.
It helps you identify the most promising accounts, deliver personalized content, and refine your ABM campaigns.
So, let’s explore the topic in detail.
What Do We Mean By Hubspot Lead Scoring Criteria For ABM?
HubSpot's lead scoring lets you assign numerical values to your accounts. You can give them low to high scores based on their fit and interest regarding your offering. Thus, lead scoring helps you:
- Set standard criteria for HubSpot to nurture prospects that pass it.
- Prioritize and segment prospects for personalized and targeted outreach.
5 Tips To Set Hubspot's ABM Lead Scoring Criteria
You can pick ideal prospects for your ABM strategy once you set lead scoring criteria. Further, this practice can prevent you from wasting your valuable resources and time.
But how can you do it?
Check out these tips to select the best ABM criteria:
1. Create Separate Lists For Your Direct MQLs
Identify all the criteria that directly classify personas of specific accounts as Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and place them as ABM lists by doing strategic segmentation. Examples of such criteria include:
- Completing a contact form
- Requesting a demo
- Downloading a high-value offer
You can automate the lead lifecycle stage updates and notify the sales representative through emails and workflows.
2. Maintain Smaller Score Ranges
Avoid assigning excessively high point values in your lead scoring model to qualify leads directly. Instead, opt for a smaller scale that ranges between 1-5. It'll help allocate points to various actions based on their relevance and level of engagement.
Thus, using a smaller scale facilitates easy score interpretation and adjustment.
3. Distribute Your Score Range Across Multiple Action Iterations
When assigning scores to actions like visiting a web page, opening an email, or clicking a link, allocate different points depending on the frequency or recency of the action.
You might provide 1 point for visiting a single web page, 2 points for visiting two pages, 3 points for visiting three pages, and so on. This approach allows you to measure and compare the frequency of the action being performed for better analysis.
4. Incorporate Negative Attributes For Point Deductions
With Hubspot lead scoring, you can also deduct points for negative attributes when evaluating leads. Negative attributes can decrease scores when leads meet certain qualities or take specific actions.
For instance, you can deduct points for actions like invalid email addresses, unsubscribing from emails, or belonging to a non-target industry. This approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of leads by considering positive and negative factors.
5. Track And Evaluate Your Lead Scoring
You must regularly analyze your leads and customers to ensure a consistently relevant and up-to-date lead scoring matrix. Report on your current pipeline to ensure initial development and ongoing adjustments of your lead scoring system.
Plus, you must listen to the feedback and behavior of your prospects, customers, and lost customers. This process allows you to gain information and insights essential for effective scoring.
Using HubSpot’s capabilities to improve your business lead scoring can be highly beneficial when you adopt ABM strategies. It will help you use, analyze, and draw decisions linked to crucial actions. These actions may include website visits, content engagement, and lead behavior. It'll help gauge the level of intent displayed by your target accounts.
Your ability to prioritize and customize your ABM tactics using this useful data will improve your chances of success. It’ll ensure that your efforts are concentrated on the most promising prospects.
Let Revnew help you to scale up your HubSpot efforts for ABM strategy. We have experts with updated knowledge of HubSpot workflows and know how to land an effective ABM campaign. So, why wait around? Contact us today.